Sign up and unsubscribe

How do I sign up for publicroam?

Via the website (recommended)
Go to sign up

SMS publicroam to +31 970 10 260 261. You’ll receive an SMS with login details.

Checklist: I can’t log in

Step 1. Have you requested a publicroam account?
Yes => go to step
No => get a publicroam account

Step 2. Did you receive an SMS with publicroam login details?
Yes => go to step 3
No => go to I haven’t received an SMS with login details

Step 3. Have you been connected to a WiFi network with publicroam before?
Yes => go to step 5 (so skip 1 step)
No => go to step 4

Step 4. Is the SMS with login details you received less than 48 hours old?
Yes => go to step 5
No or don’t know => get a new publicroam account

Step 5. Are you close enough to a publicroam WiFi network?
Look at the overview of WiFi networks on your device. The network ‘publicroam’ must be visible there, with at least 3 bars of WiFi.
Yes => go to step 6
No => make sure you are close to a publicroam WiFi network (see publicroam locations)

Step 6. Is your device trying to log in to publicroam automatically?
Yes => go to step 7
No or don’t know => go to reset all

Step 7. Check if you’ve entered the correct WiFi settings
For an explanation per device, see help signing in.
NOTE: Username and password must match exactly.

Step 8. Did you try everything and it still doesn’t work?
There may be a malfunction. Please contact us.

I want to cancel my account and unsubscribe from publicroam

If you use the publicroam app, you can unsubscribe via the app (Menu>My Account>End Account).

Send an SMS with the text ‘afmelden’ to +31 970 10 260 261. Please do this with the mobile phone number with which you previously signed up for publicroam.

You’ll immediately receive an SMS confirming that your account has been terminated.

By doing this you also revoke your consent to us to process your data. We’ll store your data for up to 6 months after unsubscribing, after which we’ll delete your data permanently.

How do you use my data?

We store a limited amount of information about you, including your mobile number, the first publicroam location you log in to, and the locations where you go online. We only use this limited amount of data to provide the publicroam service in the best possible way and for no other purpose. So no tracking, no profiling or any other form of data use. We also never share your data with other organizations, unless it’s based on a legal order.

We store data about the locations where you use publicroam for a maximum of three months. Then we delete this data.

Six months after you’ve canceled your account we’ll delete any other data linked to your account.

For detailed information about exactly what it is we store and what we do with your data, read our privacy statement.

I did not receive an SMS with login details

You’ll receive the SMS with login details (username and password) immediately after you’ve applied for an account. The sender of the SMS is ‘publicroam’.

Didn’t receive a text message? Choose from the following options:

I’ve created an account via the website
– Try to create an account again via the sign-up page.
– Check whether you’re entering the correct 06 number. The text message goes to this number.

I’ve created an account by SMS
– Try to create an account again by texting ‘publicroam’ to +31 970 10 260 261.

Do you get the message that an account already exists for this phone number?
– Send an SMS with the text ‘afmelden’ to +31 970 10 260 261.
Please do this with the mobile phone number with which you previously signed up. You’ll immediately receive a text message confirming that your account has been terminated.
Then request a new account.

If you still don’t receive an SMS despite these actions, please contact us at or call us on 030 – 307 44 99

Where can I find my login details?

Your login details are in the SMS you received after you created your account. You’ll find the SMS on your smartphone in your SMS messages (not in Whatsapp). The sender of the SMS is ‘publicroam’.

Didn’t you receive a text message? Then look at the question: I didn’t receive an SMS with login details.

I have lost my login details

Follow these 2 steps:

STEP 1: Unregister
Send an SMS with the text afmelden to +31 970 10 260 261.

Please do this from the mobile number you used to sign up for publicroam. You will receive an SMS confirmation that your account has been deleted.

STEP 2: Sign up again
You can do this via the sign-up page.

Or send an SMS with the text publicroam to +31 970 10 260 261. You will receive an SMS with login details. You can then log in to a publicroam WiFi network.

I’m being asked to re-enter my login details

Check if publicroam is available at your location. Check this at

If you’re at a publicroam location, please enter your details again.
Are you in doubt or does this happen more often? Please contact publicroam support via 030 – 307 44 99 or

Why do I have to log in to a publicroam location within 48 hours?

If you’ve received your login details via SMS, you must log in with a device within 48 hours to a publicroam WiFi network. If you don’t do this, we’ll delete your login details for security reasons and ask you to create a new publicroam account via the sign-up page.

My mobile number has changed, what should I do?

Your account is linked to your mobile number. If your mobile number changes, please delete the account associated with your old mobile number.

You can do this by sending an SMS with your old mobile number with the text ‘afmelden’ to +31 970 10 260 261.

You’ll immediately receive an SMS confirming the cancellation.

Then sign up with your new mobile number via the sign-up page

Don’t have access to your old mobile number anymore? Please send an e-mail to with your old mobile number and your username. We’ll then delete the account linked to your old phone number.

I want to remove the publicroam WiFi profile from my device

Do you use the publicroam app? Then remove the app from your device. The WiFi profile for publicroam will also be removed. Do you have Android 10 or lower? Then you still have to remove the WiFi profile yourself. Follow the steps below.

Are you not using the publicroam app? Then follow these steps:

– Make sure you’re within range of a publicroam WiFi network
– Go to settings and choose WiFi. Make sure WiFi is on (slide)
– Click on the ‘i’ next to the publicroam network
– Choose ‘Forget network’

– Make sure you’re within range of a WiFi network with publicroam
– Click on the WiFi symbol in the top bar of your Macbook/iMac.
– Choose ‘Open network preferences’ from the drop-down menu
– Select ‘WiFi’ from the network list (left)
– Click on ‘Advanced’ (bottom right)
– Select ‘publicroam’ from the list of WiFi networks
– Click on the minus sign (‘-‘) below the list of WiFi networks
– Click ‘OK’
– Click ‘Apply’

– Make sure you’re within range of a publicroam WiFi network
– Go to ‘Settings’ on your Android device by using the settings icon (cog)
– Choose ‘WiFi’
– Select the publicroam WiFi network and keep your finger there briefly. A selection screen appears.
– Choose ‘Forget network’

I get the message: ‘Can’t connect to publicroam network’

Check the quality of the WiFi network.
You can check this in the overview of WiFi networks on your device. The network ‘publicroam’ must be visible there, with at least 3 bars. In case of poor reception, the error message may recur regularly.

Check whether you’ve correctly copied your username and password (see SMS)
Enter the username and password again and make sure you copy it exactly as they are in the SMS.

Does the message recur regularly? Then remove the publicroam network from your device and log in again. Check out how to do that here.

I want to change my password

You can’t change your password at this time. Also, there’s no need to. After entering your username and password, you automatically go online at every publicroam location. This way, you don’t have to re-enter your password again.

I want to reset publicroam

Send an SMS with the text ‘afmelden’ to +31 970 10 260 261. Please do this with the mobile phone number with which you previously signed up. You’ll immediately receive a text message confirming that your account has been terminated.

Remove the publicroam WiFi profile from your device. Click here to see how to do that. Request a new account via the sign-up page.

By doing this you also withdraw your permission to process your data. We’ll store your data for up to 6 months after unsubscribing, after which we’ll delete your data permanently.

Can I share my publicroam account with someone else?

No! Your account is personal and linked to your mobile number. You may not share your data with others. If it turns out that you do share your account, we’ll close your account.

Can I use my publicroam account on multiple devices?

Yes! You can use your account on multiple devices, as long as you’e the one who manages them.


Why does publicroam work with certificates?

Publicroam secures host WiFi through certificates. This prevents usernames or data traffic from being intercepted by malicious parties. Certificates are used to establish the authenticity of a publicroam host network. That way, your device automatically connects to any host network that uses publicroam (and not to other networks). When you log in to publicroam for the first time, you must accept a certificate on certain devices (such as iOS and Windows). On other devices (Android) you have to install the certificate yourself.

How can I recognize the publicroam certificate?

You can recognize the certificate by:
Owner: Publicroam B.V.
Provided by: Sectigo RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
Expires on: 28-03-2026
Serial number: 00 E8 84 5B 0E C6 C4 C1 90 4B C4 99 10 CB 24 54 F4

Installing the certificate on Android 10 or earlier

The easiest way to install the certificate is to download the publicroam app. The certificate will then be installed automatically.

Do you still want to register without a publicroam app? Then follow the steps below:

NOTE: This is only for Android 10 or earlier. See here how to install the certificate on later versions of Android

Make sure you’re near a publicroam WiFi network. Check publicroam locations

Step 1: Open this link on your Android device:

Step 2: You’ll arrive at the page ‘Certificate name’. Please do the following:
Enter ‘publicroam’ as certificate name
Below that, choose: WiFi (at ‘Used during’)
Do you see a screen lock notification? Click ‘OK’.
Step 3: On your Android device, go to ‘Settings‘ (by using the cog icon). Choose WiFi.
Step 4: Choose the publicroam WiFi network and press and hold your finger briefly. A selection screen appears.
Step 5: Choose ‘Manage Network Settings’. If you don’t get this option, you can choose ‘Ignore network’ and select the publicroam WiFi network.
Step 6: Choose the following settings (scroll down):
EAP method: PEAP
Verification Phase 2: MSCHAPv2
CA certificate: select publicroam and click on save*
Identity: Username (previously entered, or see SMS from publicroam)
Anonymous Identity: Leave blank
Password: Password (previously entered, or see SMS from publicroam)
Step 7: Click ‘Connect’
Your account is now active with a certificate

Je account is nu actief mét certificaat
*Don’t see this option? Then something may have gone wrong with the installation of the certificate. Please go back to Step 1. If that doesn’t work or you don’t have the time, choose ‘Don’t Validate’ or ‘Unspecified’. If you get the message ‘No certificate specified, your connection is not private’, then publicroam is active. Be alert if you’re ever asked to re-enter your login details; only do that in a publicroam location. We recommend that you try installing the certificate later.

Installing the certificate on Android 11 or later

The easiest way to install the certificate is to download the publicroam app. The certificate will then be installed automatically.

Do you still want to register without a publicroam app? Then follow the steps below:

NOTE: This is concerns only Android 11 and 12. See here how to install the certificate on others versions of Android

Make sure you’re near a publicroam WiFi network. Check publicroam locations

Step 1: Open this link on your Android 11 device:
Step 2: On your Android 11 device, go to ‘Settings’ (using the cog icon). Choose ‘Security’ and then ‘Advanced’
Step 3: Choose ‘Data Encryption’ then ‘Install a certificate’.
Step 4: Choose ‘CA Certificate’. You may get the message ‘Your data is not private’, choose ‘Install anyway’. Then verify your identity with your fingerprint or with a pattern. Choose the file pr-nl5.cer. After that, your certificate is installed.
Step 5: Go to ‘Settings’ again (using the cog icon). Choose WiFi and then click on the cog next to the publicroam WiFi network.
Step 6: Click on the pen at the top of the screen to edit. Choose the following settings (scroll down):
EAP method: PEAP
Verification Phase 2: MSCHAPv2
Online Certificate Status: Select Request Certificate Status and click Save*
Identity: Username (previously entered, or see SMS from publicroam)
Anonymous Identity: Leave blank
Password: Password (previously entered, or see SMS from publicroam)
Step 7: Click Connect
Your account is now active with a certificate

—–*Don’t see this option? Then something may have gone wrong with the installation of the certificate. Please go back to Step 1. If that doesn’t work or you don’t have the time, choose ‘Don’t Validate’ or ‘Unspecified’. If you get the message ‘No certificate specified, your connection is not private’, then publicroam is active. Be alert if you’re ever asked to re-enter your login details; only do that in a publicroam location. We recommend that you try installing the certificate later.

I am asked to accept a (new) certificate. Is that correct?

Yes. Publicroam secures guest WiFi through a certificate. When you sign in for the first time, you must accept a certificate on certain devices (such as iOS and Windows). If you follow the steps as described in help signing in, you don’t have to do anything else.
Sometimes you may be asked to accept the certificate again. Please check if you’re at a publicroam location. If so, check the certificate and accept it.

Do you have an Android device and do you want to install the certificate?
We strongly advice to use the publicroam app. Alternatively you can also install the certificate yourself.

How can I recognize the certificate?
Go here: How to recognize the publicroam certificate

Where can I download the Android certificate?

You can download the certificate from this link:

My device won’t accept the certificate

Publicroam secures host WiFi through a certificate. Most devices offer the option to accept the certificate immediately upon registration (i.e. iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Windows). On Android devices, you have to install the certificate yourself.

If you can’t accept the certificate, publicroam will work. Publicroam is still more secure than public WiFi networks that work without a password or with a shared password. However, be alert if you’re asked to re-register your device, only do so at a publicroam location.

What should I do if the certificate changes?

On March 21, 2025 the publicroam security certificate was renewed. What should you do?

Already have a publicroam account?
Then you’ll be automatically asked to accept a new certificate as soon as you log in to a publicroam guest network. You only have to do this once. Other settings remain unchanged.

Check the following if you accept the certificate:
1. Are you at a publicroam location? Check here for all the locations
2. Belongs the certificate to publicroam? On the certificate it says ’’. The issuer is Sectigo. Go here for all the details

Do you have an Android device?
Then we recommend downloading the publicroam app. Alternatively you can install the certificate yourself.

Don’t have a publicroam account yet?
Then follow the login procedure for your device. See help with logging in.

Other topics

I want to know what information you’ve stored about me.

Please send us an email with the question that you want to know what information we’ve stored about you, including your mobile number and your username. In general, we’ll send you the information you’ve requested within two weeks. We may ask you to confirm your identity. You can send an email to

Where can I find the terms of use and the privacy statement?

See here for the current terms of use and the privacy statement

What are recent changes to the terms of use and the privacy statement?

Effective date March 4, 2021
Privacy Statement: Addition of paragraph ‘Publicoam and privacy’ explaining the policy for processing and securing personal data.
Privacy Statement: Addition that further agreements of host organizations about the processing of data must always be in line with the publicroam policy for processing and securing personal data.

Effective date January 12, 2021
Terms of use: Addition that an account can also be created and canceled via the publicroam mobile app
Terms of use: Addition that host organizations can invoke the terms of use vis-à-vis users.
Terms of Use: Removed the limitation that you can only use the service with a device with a fixed MAC address.
Privacy Statement: Addition that a publicroam account will be deleted if no publicroam is used for 12 months.
Privacy Statement: Addition about the processing of data for sending service messages and newsletters.
Privacy Statement: Addition that host organizations can provide further explanation in their own privacy statement about the way in which they process data within the framework of the Privacy Statement.

Is the answer to your question not listed?

Please email us your question at or use the contact page